
Conference: And where’s logic? II

Patrycja Kupś is organising conference And where’s logic? II. Details are available in the section AWIL on our website.

Collaboration with Technische Universität in Dresden

Andrzej Gajda attended one month practice in International Center for Computational Logic at Technische Universität in Dresden which brings opportunity to start a collaboration.

PhD in our new discipline

Mariusz Urbański was appointed by the UAM Rector to be the head of the PhD studies recruitment committee in the discipline Nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach.


Visiting guests

In July and August Talha Emre Taşcı, 3rd year psychology student at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, is doing practice at the RRG laboratory within the Erasmus+ program . During the practice he is working with Dominika Gorol and Mariusz Urbański on the project of an experiment that concerns the Selective Laziness of Reasoning phenomenon. The experiment is planned to run in parallel in Poland and in Turkey in autumn.


Collaboration with Technische Universität in Dresden

Andrzej Gajda attended one week practice in International Center for Computational Logic at Technische Universität in Dresden which brings opportunity to start a collaboration.


MA defence

Beata Rutkowska defended her MA thesis Podejmowanie decyzji w warunkach niepełnej informacji: studium przypadku. Congratulations! Abstract of the thesis:

Praca przedstawia wyniki badania, zaprojektowanego w celu zajęcia stanowiska w dyskusji dotyczącej sposobu szacowania nieznanego poziomu cechy oraz tego, jak podejmowane są decyzje ekonomiczne, gdy podmiot nie dysponuje pełnymi informacjami na temat przedmiotu decyzji. Zaprezentowano stanowisko sformułowane w ramach klasycznego oraz behawioralnego nurtu ekonomicznego, jak również charakterystykę wpływu heurystyk i błędów poznawczych na proces decyzyjny. Otrzymane wyniki poddano interpretacji w kategoriach częstości oraz kontekstu zastosowania mechanizmów zaangażowanych w ocenę nieznanego poziomu cechy (spójność probabilistyczna, spójność oceny).


Visiting guests

At the beginning of May we had Frank Zenker visiting us. Frank taught students at Reasoning lecture and gave talk The effect size’s three aspects: statistical, theoretical, practical at our DokMa seminar.


24th Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics

Andrzej Gajda, Aleksandra Czyż, Kinga Ordecka and Piotr Sowiński attended 24th Conference Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics that was held in Szklarska Poręba in Poland on 13–17 May, 2019, where they gave talk Consequence Operators for Logic Programs and the Classical Consequence.


PhilArg@PhiLang 2019

Mariusz Urbański and Paweł Łupkowski attended PhilArg@PhiLang 2019 that was held in Łódź in Poland on 10–12 May, 2019, where they gave talk Cooperative Multi-Agent Problem Solving from an Interrogative Perspective: Questioning Agendas and Informant’s Credibility.


Prague Logic Camp

Andrzej Gajda and Dominika Gorol attended Prague Logic Camp that was held in Prague in Czech Republic on 06–09 May, 2019, where they gave talk Abductive reasoning in a neural-symbolic systems.
At the same conference our students: Aleksandra Czyż, Kinga Ordecka, Piotr Sowiński also gave talk Implementation of a neural-symbolic system used for abductive hypotheses generation. It was their debut at the international conference—congratulations!


And Where’s Logic? Position and Significance of Logic in Science and the Humanities

Mariusz Urbański gave talk Formal Modelling of Human Reasoning: The story of a hunter-gatherer as an invited speaker at the conference And Where’s Logic? Position and Significance of Logic in Science and the Humanities that was held in Łódź in Poland on 6–7 April, 2019.


Third Workshop on Human Reasoning and Computational Logic in Dresden

Andrzej Gajda attended Third Workshop on Human Reasoning and Computational Logic that was held in Dresden in Germany on 04–05 April, 2019, where he gave talk Abductive reasoning in a neural-symbolic system.


The 100th anniversary of Poznań psychology

Our team attended ceremonial tree planting for the 100th anniversary of Poznań psychology. Below we can see our representatives: Mariusz Urbański, Paweł Łupkowski & Dawid Ratajczyk and Natalia Żyluk & Andrzej Gajda.


European network for argumentation and public policy analysis

Mariusz Urbański, member of the board of (Core Group) COST Action 17132 Apply (European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis) participated in the conference that opened the activity of the group, which was held in Lisbon in 19–22 march, 2019. Those interested in the topics covered by the grant should track announcements at: [link].


Argument Mapping Workshop in Lizbon

Andrzej Gajda attended Argument Mapping Workshop that was held in Lisbon in Portugal on 15–18 March, 2019.